How to get freelancing government certificate or Identity Card in Bangladesh

How to get freelancing government certificate or Identity Card in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, obtaining a freelancing government certificate, also known as the “Export Procedure Certificate (EPC)” or “Export Performance Certificate,” is a process overseen by the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology. This certificate is required for freelancers who earn income from providing services to clients outside of Bangladesh. Here’s how you can get a freelancing government certificate in Bangladesh: Login this link for getting Freelancing ID Card:

  1. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the freelancing government certificate, you must be a Bangladeshi citizen and engaged in freelancing activities, earning income from clients outside Bangladesh.
  2. Registration with Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC): You need to register with the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) to apply for the freelancing government certificate. Visit the BCC website or their office to obtain the necessary registration forms and guidelines.
  3. Application Process: Complete the registration form provided by the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and submit it along with the required documents.
  4. Verification and Approval: Once you submit your application, the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) will verify your documents and information. If everything is in order, they will approve your application.
  5. Issuance of Certificate: After approval, the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) will issue the freelancing government certificate (Export Procedure Certificate or Export Performance Certificate) to you.
  6. Renewal: The freelancing government certificate typically needs to be renewed annually. Make sure to renew your certificate before it expires to maintain compliance.
  7. Compliance with Tax Regulations: Keep in mind that earning income through freelancing is subject to taxation in Bangladesh. Ensure that you comply with all tax regulations and requirements related to your freelancing income.
  8. Professional Assistance: If you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the application process for the freelancing government certificate, consider seeking assistance from professionals or consulting with the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) for guidance.
  9. Document Submission: Prepare the required documents, which typically include:
    • National ID card or passport (for identification)
      • TIN (Tax Identification Number) certificate
      • Bank account information (for receiving payments)
      • Proof of freelancing income (e.g., Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr earnings report)

It’s essential to stay updated with any changes or requirements related to freelancing regulations and government certificates in Bangladesh. Contacting the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) directly or visiting their official website for the most accurate and up-to-date information is recommended.

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